Saturday, December 23, 2017

The most important thing that happened this summer was a family reunion of all of our children and most of our descendants. This first photo is one of all of our children and their spouses.

This is a photo of our entire family. There were a few grandchildren who could not get away from work and two who were serving on missions. In the background is the waterwheel from the Indian Creek Park in downtown Caldwell, Idaho. The sun was bright so many eyes were covered or closed.

The final photo is of all of our grandchildren in order by birth. You'll notice the one on the far right has a number 1 on their front while the one on the far left as a number 32. If you look closely you will see they are holding up pictures of the missing grandchildren. They are standing on the bridge over Indian Creek.

We love being together with our family. Since only a few of them live near us, these family reunions are very important. We especially love seeing the grandchildren and great-grandchildren playing together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim and thank you for sharing your inclusion body myositis life with the world. Awareness and education are a large part of the battle.

My name is Jerry Williams and I am the founder and president of Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU). We are a patient-centered, all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to empower the myositis community.

One of our efforts is our newest program and website called #MyositisLIFE. This site, a first for the myositis community, is solely for patients and caregivers to share their experiences living with and caring for someone with myositis.

Would you be interested in contributing an article, becoming a contributing author, or any other ways you can think of to help promote inclusion body myositis?

Our #MyositisLIFE (out loud, it's Myositis Life) program and website aim to promote awareness of myositis and the various forms, engage on a more personal level with our healthcare providers and we hope to gain further interest in research.

Please feel free to contact me at

My very best,

Jerry Williams
Patient with polymyositis
Myositis Support and Understanding Association, Inc. (MSU)